a few snaps from erin wasson'slow luv spring/holiday lookbook... her line is always thoughtful and amazing with just the right amount of rock and roll grit... and seeing these also reignites my sick want for a body chain... santa, are you listening?!
just watched a most kickass beatles documentary on the history channel and it never fails to bowl me over just how freakin COOL they were... john, paul, george and ringo 4 eva!
it's frickin freezing in new york mister bigglesworth.... needless to say, i am so already over my black puffer and sure, daydreaming about warmer climates, but also how so very lovely it would be to brave the elements in one of anywho's amazing slouchy coats...
on the street 1980-1990amy arbus book cover and whowhatwear's recent "go buy now" post... just another little check in the everything is cyclical column!