the other day while throwing on my favorite
uniqlo jeans it hit me: that for all the pairs of jeans i have, i only wear like, mayyyybe four pairs on constant rotation? so today i officially counted: 22 pairs of jeans. and yet, i stick with a select few options day after day after month after month (low-rise skinny thankyouverymuch!)... and sure, i hear you: "why don't you just donate the ones you don't wear?!" or "why don't you sell them on
buffalo exhange/etc?!" but i mean, what if one i don't wear now and sell suddenly comes back in style in a few months?! that wide-leg railroad stripe pair might really be the new hot thing for fall 2012! i just can't take the chance that i had in my possession the hippest cut of a future
season! ...aaaaaand such is the sickness in my fashion obsessed brain.