came across this
missoni snood on net-a-porter and was immediately taken. but ehhh no thanks to the $240 price tag- especially considering the ridiculously high odds of me accidentally leaving it in a cab one chilly drunken night. so i thought i'd look around and see if i could find a snood (one definition of which is "the pendulous skin over the beak of a turkey" (sorta gross but thanks dictionary.com!) on the cheap, and well, let's just say the google search results were interesting. medieval hair snoods (
Lady MacSnood, lol),
dog snoods (um... wow), and even a computer/online/iphone/etc puzzle
game... finally came across more of what i was looking for on
designs on cashmere. half the price of the missoni and in cashmere as opposed to wool, i'd say we found a winner.
(top two photos, missoni snood via net-a-porter, bottom photo via designsoncashmere.com)
I'm very keen on getting one of these Snoods from Net-a-Porter... they're lovely & I have a weakness for Missoni too... :)